The Gap We Fill

A Message From Our Founder - Alexandria Smith

After a near-death experience due to compilations caused by Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), I delved into the world of SCD advocacy. I noticed that numerous organizations were tirelessly working towards crucial initiatives like pushing for a universal cure, advocating for improved healthcare, and enhancing the quality of life for patients. These efforts are undeniably vital in driving the agenda for Sickle Cell Awareness, and HemoG.L.O.W.bin is fully committed to supporting and amplifying these endeavors.

However, amidst these admirable efforts, I recognized a significant gap that remains largely unaddressed: the lack of everyday people truly understanding the real impact of Sickle Cell Disease on its patients and their families. While research and advocacy work are essential, raising awareness among the general public is equally crucial to eradicate biases and ignorance surrounding the disease.

This realization led me to the belief that one of the most subtle yet highly effective ways to drive Sickle Cell Disease awareness is through entertainment and media channels. By bringing the stories of those impacted by SCD into society's living rooms and events, we can create a profound understanding and compassion for individuals living with this challenging condition. Just as visibility for cancer & other health conditions has resulted in a positive push towards a cure and dismantling biases, we strive for the same transformation for Sickle Cell Disease.

Our ultimate vision is a world where Sickle Cell Disease is seen, understood, represented, and supported with the same level of visibility as other health conditions. With your support and partnership, we can drive a more profound public push for finding a cure, eradicating stigmatization, and promoting empathy towards those affected by SCD.

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